The Senior Project Manager of Integrated Global Projects has been active in project management for over 25 years with a successful track record of completing complex projects in often challenging environments.
Some of the completed projects include:
- Reactivation of LOC 400 Modular Land Rig from cold stacking back into operational status for
Oil & Gas. The LOC 400 rig was cold stacked for 4 years, this was reactivated to undertake a drilling campaign in a remote location with an array of logistical difficulties. Compliance was the main driver with most equipment requiring re certification after a extended dormant period. Well control and safety critical components offered the biggest challenges with OEM’s being flown to Australia to oversee the refurbishments, undertake compliance testing and re certification as required. The rig was then shipped overseas to begin is campaign. The team included members of both clients, the rig owner and Integrated Global Projects. The project was completed with zero incidents or LTI’s for all involved.
- 2 x Heli Portable drilling rigs (1500hp) API Cat IV refurbished for an extensive and complex drilling
program in remote locations. The rigs were purchased from Brazil and shipped to Houston TX to be completely refurbished to relevant International Standards which included API, ASNZS and British Standards. The project utilised client supplied personnel as part of the project team to assist with assembly, technical input, training and communication, this allowed the company to further develop their personnel along with refining systems and processes during the refurbishment works. Post project support for the preparation of their campaigns was included resulting in the highly successful completion of the well program and the ongoing operations of the rigs.
- Bentec Euro 450 Drilling Rig (2000hp) new build to complex and highly regulated industry standards. The build was completed on time and o
n budget with a high level of customer satisfaction. Quality and compliance were the driving forces behind the client project management philosophy; the final results were unsurpassed for an installation into New Zealand with all regulatory compliance achieved resulting in zero non-conformance’s during inspections. The build was undertaken in 6 countries simultaneously to come together in Germany for the commissioning and factory acceptance testing, the rig was then dismantled and shipped aboard a charter vessel to New Zealand where it was unloaded, transported, reassembled, inspected, recommissioned and handed over to operations within the specified 30 days from ships docking. A specialised team for the rig up was assembled from Netherlands, Germany, New Zealand and Australia to ensure all aspects of the project were delivered safely and as scheduled.
- Liquid Mud Plant (11,500bbl) designed, engineered, built and installed for a high profile client
in Bahrain, the plant was manufactured in several countries and transported to the Awali Oilfields for installation and commissioning. Design modifications, QA/QC and overall project management were completed on time and on budget.
- The Gorgon project on Barrow Island off the coast of Western Australia has one of the most
stringent quarantine mandates globally, project management was supplied for the build of the equipment to undertake the Horizontal Directional Drilling aspect of the Gorgon gas fields offshore to onshore pipeline installations. Equipment was manufactured in several countries, delivered to WA consolidated in a custom quarantine facility for shipping to the island. The project was successfully managed, including the quarantine facility setup and operations, with all equipment shipped to Barrow Island resulting in zero non-conformance’s, a benchmark achievement at that time for the Gorgon project, the client and the island. Much of the equipment was bespoke with FEED, manufacturing, commissioning and factory acceptance testing achieved without delays. The project team worked closely with the OEM’s to ensure the exacting requirements of the contracts were met.
- Working with an International company to undertake their first major venture into the Energy market, achieved by the purchase of a well positioned drilling contractor by the client. A team of subject matter experts placed into the business to assist in the integration. Auditing utilised to develop a clear perspective, a framework and plan were implemented to allow the transition to be undertaken while minimising the disruption to the daily operation. The audit identified areas which required additional resources and support, restructuring allowed the company to grow while ensuring the safety of its personnel and initiating improvements to their systems and processes. Benchmarks in the industry were set during this period and changes to some industry standards were implemented to the benefit of all participants.
- Documentation writing, collating and development for clients is another field managed by Integrated Global Projects. Safety Cases and Operation Manuals written and approved for clients globally with OEM/Regulatory acceptance one of the key drivers. With experienced personnel available to assist with your documentation Integrated Global Projects offers this service to clients.